Monday, February 3, 2014

Production Company Logo

This is the logo of the production company we have created. The colours we used for our logo is red and black, to show danger . The use of these colours is interesting as black is a very dull and dark colour, whereas red is a bright colour. Also these are colours a clown would wear. The name sadistic studios is to emphasise the fact its to do with horror, as sadistic means getting pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

Filming Our Opening Tiles

When we starting filming the first night, after a few hours of recording the camera battery ran out so we couldnt continue. When we then watched the clips we recorded, when we were back at school, they wasnt very good and what we expecting. The shots outside were too dark and the sound wasnt very loud on some of the clips. So we then decided to re film it all again, as the continuity wasnt good either as we moved things in different places while recorded and it didnt run smoothly.
This was us filming outside. We had trouble with the lighting as the first time we recorded, when we played it back to ourselfs we noticed that we couldnt see the shot very clearly. Because of this we re-recorded the outside shots and used torches and phone flash lights to brighten the shot, so we could see more clearly.

This was us recording the inside shots of kayleigh washing up. We took various different types of shots at different angles. We noticed in a few of the shots we could see the camera and us recording in the reflection of the window, so we had to record the shots again making sure we culd ot see us in the reflection with the camera.

We had to keep everything the same in the shots so the continuity was the same throughout. However we made a mistake of leaving the microphone in one of the shots, so we had to re-record these shots.

Me ad Joe took it in turns to record kayleigh for the inside shots.

So we could get the microphone near kayleigh to pick up her speaking on the phone clearly, we had to improvise and put the microphone on the end of a stick to get quality sound.