Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Font For Our Title Sequence

This titles is the font we have chosen to use for our opening.

We have chosen this font because it looks like a circus kind of font and its unusual. We also put it in red as it represents blood and gives a mysterious feel for the audience.

Font Analysis

The font for the title sequence of this horror film is linked well with the theme of horror. The font is very rough and jagged, asif bits of the letters are missing (as letters are normally blocked letters). This is mysterious and could be represtenting how people can go missing and dissapear, which is scary and unpleasant. The colour used, which is red, is associated with blood and anger, these are negative and create a negative feel for the audience. The font also looks like it has been written in blood which is unusual and makes people think of death/murder.

Font Analysis

Shinobi BB Complete Family Pack
We have been looking at different fonts, for ideas for the title for our opening. These fonts are a very unusual shape. The lettering goes from fat to thin on both and its very odd as normal text is normally neat and inproportion. I analysed different types of fonts I thought would be suitable to use in a horror film, and from this research I have started to produce a film title for our opening scene. These fonts i chose look creepy and distorted and that's what we were looking for for our opening titles, something scary and eye catching. We could have added sound effects to make it sound like a child was writing it on a chalkboard. We didnt end up choosing any of these fonts as we found a font that suited our movie a lot better.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Casting photos

Location Shots

Script For Our Title Opening

 “Dead Funny Part i & ii”
Joe Gamble, Jemma Johnson
And Kayleigh Rudland
FAde In:
EXT. night scene 1
TRUNCO THE CLOWN approaches the house, walking down road, whilst the young woman is washing up. Until she receives a phone call from Trunco the Clown.
EXT. street - night scene 1
Trunco the Clown’s feet are walking at a fast pace through puddles on the pavement with a distinct walk. (5 steps)
EXT. House - night scene 1
THE YOUNG WOMAN is washing up in the sink casually with no urgency or fright.
EXT. street - night scene 1
Trunco the Clown’s feet are walking at a fast pace through puddles on the pavement with a distinct walk. (4 steps)
EXT. House - night scene 1
The camera has zoomed out to the woman washing up and putting away dishes, casually and with no knowing of the clown.
EXT. street - night scene 1
Trunco the Clown’s feet are walking at a fast pace through puddles on the pavement with a distinct walk. (3 steps)
EXT. House - night scene 1
The young woman is still washing dishes casually, looking at herself in the window and possibly whistling or singing/humming.
EXT. street - night scene 1
Trunco the Clown’s feet are walking at a fast pace through puddles on the pavement with a distinct walk. (2 steps)
EXT. House - night scene 1
The young woman is putting dishes in the drawer.
EXT. street - night scene 1
Trunco The Clown’s feet are walking at a fast pace through puddles on the pavement with a distinct walk. (1 steps)
EXT. House - night scene 1
The woman’s mobile phone starts ringing.
scene 2   
INT. THe womans house. night.          
THE CLOWN rings THE WOMAN and THE WOMAN puts the phone down. The radio then turns on and is playing an old song which is saying ‘send in the clowns’. THE WOMAN is getting more and more on edge, then the doorbell rings.
Voice- THE clown
(Over the phone)
          Do you want a balloon?
Voice- THE clown
I know you want a balloon.
the woman
No, I do not want a balloon. Leave me alone.
          (puts down the phone)
EXT. House - night scene 4
The radio begins to falter and turns to the song ‘Send in the Clowns’. The woman tries to fix the radio, bending down struggling. The clown appears at the window suddenly, yet the woman doesn’t see.
THE CLOWN rings the doorbell and THE WOMAN opens it, but when she looks no one is there. She then goes out of the door to look around to see if she can see anyone.
(opens door, looks around to see who knocked)
(goes outside to see if she can see anyone)
After doing this she sees a red balloon that THE CLOWN has left outside (but she doesn’t know who it was left by). THE WOMAN goes over to get the balloon, after she has got it the balloon then pops, and it is filled with blood, after the balloon has popped THE CLOWN then pops up suddenly behind THE WOMAN, without her realizing.
(picks up balloon, looks mysteriously at it)(the balloon pops)
The Woman
FAde Out:
The End