Friday, November 1, 2013

Nine frame analysis

Frame One

When recording this we had to do the shot a number of times because people kept walking past and kayleigh kept laughing, smiling or looking at the camera. After a few times of redo-ing the shot we eventually got the right one. The dinner hall was empty which made the shot more effective as you could here kayleighs footsteps as she was walking. However we ended up putting music over the top to make it more dramatic, therefore you couldnt hear the footsteps.

Frame Two/Three

When recording these two shots, of kayleigh walking through the door, we had to be very careful of where kayleigh was standing and make sure her arms and hands were in the same place through-out the two shots, so the video ran smoothly and the continuity was good. This took us a few shots to get right, but in the end we completed it.

Frame Four

For this shot we wanted to make Jess look very alone and isolated, so we took a long shot of her sitting down with empty chairs surrounding her to emphasise the fact she is alone. We had to make sure the focus was right on the camera so we could see Jess clearly.

Frame Five

In this shot we wanted to have Kayleigh walking up the stairs and then approaching Jess, so we had to position the camera at an angle were the stairs were in the shot aswell as Jess. We had trouble with this part because we started to fade the music out ready for when the conversation between them started. However the music didnt fade out smoothly and was actually quite abrupt, this sounded unproffesional and staged.

Frame Six/Seven

These two shots are demonstrating the 180 degree rule. This shows the on-screen relationship between a character and another character. An imaginary line called the axis connects the characters and by keeping the camera on one side of this axis for every shot in the scene. The first character will always be to the right of the second character, who is then always left of the first character. When watching these clips back, they could of spoke louder.

Frame Eight

When we recorded this shot and watched it back, as Jess was running down the stairs the camera shook and this didnt make our shots look professional. We shouldve moved the camera to a more stable place so the camera did not shake.

Frame Nine

This was our last shot and was of Kayleigh comforting Jess. This shot ended quite quickly and should of been made longer. Also you couldnt really see either of there faces.

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