Thursday, December 19, 2013


These are two of the main props we used...

We used a red balloon for the clown to hold. This was a vital prop in our opening titles as it is used throughout the titles. We used a red balloon oposed to another colour as red represents danger as its the colour of blood blood. Also a balloon is normally associated with partys, happy events and children, completly opposite to what its used for in our opening titles for horror. We was going to put blood in the balloon so when the clown popped the balloon the blood went all over the woman, however we found that this would be to difficult to do so instead we used it without the blood and it looked just as good.

Another of one our main props was a knife. Knives are perceived as a weapon and danger so we used this because of that. However we also used it as a normal household object by having the woman washing up with it, but having a creepy edge to it when she pours the red fairy liquid onto it.

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